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SPANSH 59: Spanish and the Community

An advanced language course that examines the richness and complexity of the Latino experience in the US while promoting community engagement as a vehicle for greater linguistic fluency and cultural understanding. Students are placed with community organizations within the Boston area and volunteer for four hours a week. Class work focuses on expanding students' oral and written proficiency in Spanish through discussing and analyzing readings, arts, and films by and about Latinos in the US.

SPANSH 59 & 59H: About

Connecting With Communities

SPANSH 59H: Spanish for Latino Students II

An advanced language course for Spanish heritage learners that aims to: strengthen students’ oral and written linguistic range, with emphasis on Spanish use for academic contexts; and to further develop students’ critical language and social awareness around important issues for Latinos in our globalized era: Spanish as global language, identity, language rights, global migration and labor, U.S.-Latino America relations, food and environment, the ’war on drugs’. Students explore these topics through various genres (newspapers and academic articles, debates, literary essays, short novels, poetry, visual art, film and music) and through 4 hours a week of community service.

SPANSH 59 & 59H: About
SPANSH 59 & 59H: Pro Gallery

ElegĂ­ a explorar el tema de trabajo y cĂłmo se presenta en comunidades Latinas—aquĂ­ representadas en la foto de Frank Espada y la foto que tomĂ© de mi tĂ­a. En la foto de Espada, un fotĂłgrafo Americano de Puerto Rico, un hombre mayor se sienta con sus manos dobladas en encima de su delantal. Con una cara seria mirando a la cĂĄmara, el sujeto, el Señor Johnson, parece que estĂĄ en medio de su dĂ­a de trabajo. De la misma manera, la mujer en la otra foto lleva un delantal, pero ella no mira a la cĂĄmara y se enfoca en preparar un pastel de flan. Aunque las fotos son diferentes en poses y la muestra de trabajo, el sĂ­mbolo compartido del delantal junta los temas de cultura y el trabajo.

Yasmeen Alfaqeeh is a sophomore concentrating in the history of art and architecture at Harvard College.

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SPANSH 59 & 59H: Quote
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